Los 3 mejores campeones para jugar contra Nautilus en cada posición:

CURSO GRATIS: de 0 a 100 en el lol


¿Qué buildearse contra Nautilus? Escoge entre estos items según tu campeón:

Si eres AP
Si eres AD
Sombrero mortal de Rabadon
Filo infinito
Corazón de hielo
Reloj de arena de Zhonya
Égida de fuego solar
Fuerza de trinidad

Consejos para hacer counter a Nautilus

Consejo 1: Dodge his hook

Nautilus' Q ability, Dredge Line, is a skillshot that pulls the first target hit towards him. It's important to pay attention to his positioning and try to dodge this ability as it can lead to him landing his other abilities more easily.

Consejo 2: Avoid standing near walls

Nautilus' Riptide ability deals AoE damage in a circle around him. If you're standing near a wall, it can be harder to dodge this ability and he can use his other abilities to lock you down.

Consejo 3: Build some form of crowd control reduction

Nautilus is a champion that relies heavily on crowd control to set up kills for his team. Building items with crowd control reduction, such as Mercury's Treads or the Legend: Tenacity rune, can help you avoid being locked down and bursted down quickly.

Guía en youtube de cómo hacer counter a Nautilus

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